Sunday, November 21, 2010

This Is Worth Saying in Every Place Where You Have a Voice!

"This is worth saying in every place where you have a voice. Anything worth saying is worth repeating a thousand times."

There is a determination among far too many religious groups, mostly far right leaning, to label and list and diminish other human beings who do not follow their narrow beliefs.  Had there not been a U.S. Constitution designed to separate and provide an opportunity for human rights, this country would be among the worst in the world's history, a collection of religious zealots taking the sword to every other group who did not worship their myths.

So many of the large right leaning religious groups are morphing into political machines, or allowing front groups to do their bidding. They are pushing a dogma of separation within their madrassas, which are not only Muslim, but also Christian, Mormon, etc. All fanatical religious schools should be called for what they are, no matter which religion. They all profess that THEIR religious book or scripture is the only book needed for this country and the world.

Believe me, they do believe this narrowly! Have you not heard the voices of division on TV, radio and seen it in print? These "bring on the end of the world gladly" groups have mastered the art of programmed learning to keep intolerance a prominent plank in their agendas.

These folks are still actively promoting their agendas of intolerance and meanness at an increased pace. There is a determination to punch holes in the separation of church and state and allow their own brand of theocratic elements to bring rot to the fabric which made this country a light for the world.

Be very aware of their impact and especially the new breed which will, if unchecked, lead us into war-mongering never witnessed before. Make no mistake that war is not a last alternative for so many who will allow their God of Fear and Devastation to prevail. Their initial moves are of course directed at internal hate and division.

Simply look around you at the rhetoric of hate which has arisen only since the Obama Administration gave the world a sense of hope. There is an emboldened sense of racial hatred allowed from large segments of religious right leadership; there would be laws to lock up homosexuals if allowed; there would definitely be a design to reduce civil rights;  and there is a push to convince the less educated middle class to vote against their own well-being and allow the less fortunate to simply suffer. They have even convinced women to diminish their daughters to believe they have no right over their reproductive choices.

There is indeed a sadness by those of us who realize that Christ has been removed from so many Christian denominations. Their God will only approve of those who should know their place in this society.  Their God is very exclusive.

Fortunately the U.S. Constitution still gives us a chance to continue to evolve into a people dedicated to the well-being of a total population. If this downward religious evolution were left to the hierarchy of the evangelical Christians, Catholic Church and Mormon Church, and their interpretation in their books as to how you WILL live, where you decide to reside in this world will be left up for grabs.

I am a retired military officer and an ordained interfaith minister. I have continued to review and declare my belief in the ideals of this country, and I stayed in service to seek to support those ideals. I became an interfaith minister to continue to serve a singular purpose, namely the well-being of others.

There was an alarming trend at the U.S. Air Force Academy a few years ago, which was finally recognized and placed back on track. There were senior officers with general rank who were promoting a Christian Air Force. These boys were raised in the name of an exclusive god, and not one of them respected the U. S. Constitution. They are among the Taliban Christians and when recognized, they must be sent packing.

The religious elements which have fought against the repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell"  are determined to keep this country in the shameful role of promoting second class status. Every progressive nation except Turkey and Iran allow all citizens to openly serve in the defense of their country. The United States of America has leaders who make us look more like Iran than other countries.

It is time to elect leaders who would make us a richer nation for everyone, not just a richer nation for the selfish, the intolerant, and the richest people to ever find a dominance over 98% of the world.  It is time to push back loudly and clearly for what you believe and know is THE WELL BEING FOR ALL.

I took time to write the note below to Virginia's two Senators, for they are the guardians elected to make the Constitution a worthy document, not all those bibles which were written for chosen  peoples and chosen peoples' desire to be empowered at the exclusion of anyone not professing their beliefs.

I am asking you to write to your editors and promote in your groups and  businesses what will bring this country back to integrity. I can assure you that NO ONE REPRESENTS ME who stood in front of a microphone recently and said, "The American people have spoken,"  and wrapped my flag in a republican tea party determination to make us the least respected of nations.

My e-mails to my Senators in Congress is provided to offer some ideas, some stimulus to your writing skills. Do not wait. Now is your time to speak!

These e-mails were sent to senior staff members in each Senator's office.

A Personal note and attachments below for Senator Webb  (and Senator Warner)


Your kind attention to my note below to Senator Warner is appreciated. PLEASE pass it by Senator Webb. I invoke his name in the note, for it is an idea which has merit and NOW.  I support both senators and this is one place they can come together and make an impact.

My best to you and the Senator.  Sincerely...T. Wade

From: IHS []
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 4:31 PM
Subject: FW: Responding to your message

A Personal note from Rev. T. Wade Clegg III Interfaith Minister and Founding Member Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum     Website:

Ref: Senator Warner's letter below

Dear Leah,

Please relate this note to the Senator:

Thanks for the response below. The military was built for challenges, and for adapting quickly for changes. I know, I am a retired Air Force Officer (Major), and so is my daughter (Lt Colonel), now living in Alexandria. Allow senior leadership to identify those challenges, and then ask for their list for implementation, then you can tell them how to make it happen more expeditiously. As long as this DADT policy exists, integrity is not simply in question; it is non-existent

It matters not if a solider is on the bottom of some  religious intolerant list; it matters that every soldier is considered equal on the American citizen list.  Present heterosexual members of the military are treated with dignity and respect,  therefore that is not in question. Homosexual members of the military are not being treated with dignity and respect, and no matter what color you paint that picture, it is dark.

Senator, there are some real heroes in our midst who are gay and hold rank. Get those guys and gals together and privately explore their ideas for implementation.  You and Senator Webb can do this together and learn a lot of ideas which may not be explored by an older group of straight officers who have their religious beliefs too integrated with their ability to be impartial.   These guys and gals who are gay have a lot of skills which need to be retained in our service.  We will not win wars simply with "blunderheads"  who know how to shoot straight.  We need the full range of intellect to bring us into full and formidable diversity. Too many replacements will never measure up to those dismissed.

 I could not believe how many gay translators were dismissed. Can you believe that we kick people out of the service and yet they are qualified for the State Department and for election to make policy decisions in Congress? Is there not something terribly wrong with that?  Take a stand and let's set the ship on a forward course. To stay idle is to die at sea.  Remember when southern boys wouldn't serve with blacks? Wow, that must have been a long time ago! was just yesterday, and the President of the United States changed that.  Get President  Obama's  back on this challenge and get it done.  That's why I voted for you.

If you need someone to sit in on meetings and really listen, I am an Interfaith Minister who will be working with my wife as we marry couples in DC and continue our years of performing commitments in many states, and I am a retired Information Officer who served in SE Asia.  Most of my life now is volunteering to make a difference.  I don't mind dividing up a little more time to make a bigger impact.  Press on my friend.

Blessings....T. Wade

(NOTE: Please note that when I used the term "blunderheads" in this March 2010 e-mail, I was referring to the "Moral Waivers" being given to convicted felons and misdemeanants into the Armed Forces to maintain recruitment, while dismissing highly skilled gay service members. It's ludicrous to keep saying we have the BEST, when these troops receiving such waivers lack proper education and physical fitness, and are the most likely to bring shame and disgrace to a unit's cohesion. )

: Office of Senator Mark Warner

Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 2:25 PM
Dear Mr. Clegg,

     Thank you for contacting me with your views on the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in the U.S. military. In order to best represent you as your United States Senator, it is vital that I hear your views on this and other important matters.

      In 1993, President Clinton, in conjunction with senior military leadership and the Senate and House Armed Service Committees, instituted the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy which bars openly gay and lesbian individuals from serving in the military.  Since its implementation, there have been many attempts at reform.  On January 27, 2010, President Obama made clear in his State of the Union Address that he plans to work with senior military leadership and Congress to repeal the 1993 law.

      The Senate Armed Services Committee recently held a series of hearings that addressed the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy and solicited the views of the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and each of the Service Chiefs. The Pentagon is currently conducting a review of the policy and will make recommendations on how it can be modified to better reflect changing social views on openly gay individuals serving in the military. Given the complexity and sensitivity of the matter, I believe we must place great weight on the opinions of our military leadership, and it will be important to carefully review the Pentagon's ultimate recommendations so we might identify potential challenges in implementation and ensure that we are treating all service members with dignity and respect.

      Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me with your views. I will continue to keep your thoughts in mind as the situation unfolds.  As we move forward with the 111th Congress, please continue to be in touch with your opinions and concerns.


United States Senator
Please note that the military leaders have spoken, the President has spoken, the survey is in. It's time to tell your Senator to make good on America's legacy of total citizen rights.

In closing, NOW IS THE TIME TO SPEAK OUT. Remember the words of the old Rabbi:  "When something is worth saying, repeat it a thousand times."

Blessings, T. Wade

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